function L10n() { };
L10n.loading = "Loading…";
L10n.consensus_weight = "Nos oignons' weight in the Tor network";
-L10n.exit_probability = "Probability to use one of Nos oignons' exit node";
+L10n.exit_probability = "Probability to use one of our exit nodes";
L10n.bandwidth = "Bandwidth";
L10n.nos_oignons = "Nos oignons";
L10n.others = "Others";
function L10n() { };
L10n.loading = "Chargement…";
L10n.consensus_weight = "Poids de Nos oignons dans le réseau Tor";
-L10n.exit_probability = "Probabilité d'utiliser un nœud de sortie de Nos oignons";
+L10n.exit_probability = "Probabilité d'utiliser un de nos nœuds de sortie";
L10n.bandwidth = "Bande passante";
L10n.nos_oignons = "Nos oignons";
L10n.others = "Autres";