-# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
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-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-17 14:41+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
-"Language: \n"
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Nos oignons website\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-23 23:50+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-23 23:52+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Nos oignons <webmaster@nos-oignons.net>\n"
+"Language-Team: English <webmaster@nos-oignons.net>\n"
+"Language: en\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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+" .style(\"float\", \"left\")\n"
+" .style(\"text-align\", \"center\");\n"
+" .attr(\"id\", \"consensus-pie\");\n"
+" .text(L10n.consensus_weight);\n"
msgstr ""
+"var content = d3.select(\"#content\");\n"
+"var consensus_figure = content.append(\"figure\")\n"
+" .style(\"margin\", \"0\")\n"
+" .style(\"width\", \"45%\")\n"
+" .style(\"float\", \"left\")\n"
+" .style(\"text-align\", \"center\");\n"
+" .attr(\"id\", \"consensus-pie\");\n"
+" .text(L10n.consensus_weight);\n"
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+" .style(\"margin\", \"0 5% 0 0\")\n"
+" .style(\"width\", \"44%\")\n"
+" .style(\"float\", \"left\")\n"
+" .style(\"text-align\", \"center\");\n"
+" .attr(\"id\", \"exit-pie\");\n"
+" .text(L10n.exit_probability);\n"
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+" .style(\"margin\", \"0 5% 0 0\")\n"
+" .style(\"width\", \"44%\")\n"
+" .style(\"float\", \"left\")\n"
+" .style(\"text-align\", \"center\");\n"
+" .attr(\"id\", \"exit-pie\");\n"
+" .text(L10n.exit_probability);\n"
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+"new ExitPieDrawer(\"#exit-pie\").draw();\n"
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+"new ExitPieDrawer(\"#exit-pie\").draw();\n"
+#. type: Title =
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Relais\n"
+msgstr "Relays\n"
#. type: Plain text
msgid "Nos oignons fait actuellement fonctionner les relais Tor suivants :"
+msgstr "Nos Oignons currently runs the following Tor relays:"
+#. type: Plain text
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <thead>\n"
+" <tr>\n"
+" <th>Emplacement</th>\n"
+" <th>Relai</th>\n"
+" <th>Empreinte</th>\n"
+" <th>Politique de sortie</th>\n"
+" </tr>\n"
+" </thead>\n"
+" <tbody>\n"
+" <tr>\n"
+" <td><a href=\"http://www.liazo.fr/\">Liazo</a></td>\n"
+" <td><a href=\"https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/011FDD1EE84DAC7758119B69829C74A9D197B35E\">marcuse1</a><sup>1</sup></td>\n"
+" <td><code>011F DD1E E84D AC77 5811 9B69 829C 74A9 D197 B35E</code></td>\n"
+" <td><a href=\"https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/ReducedExitPolicy\">Reduced Exit Policy</a></td>\n"
+" </tr>\n"
+" <tr>\n"
+" <td><a href=\"http://www.liazo.fr/\">Liazo</a></td>\n"
+" <td><a href=\"https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/1A503BBFFC82A4EFD75DB46A071A7340E11A9DB9\">marcuse2</a><sup>2</sup></td>\n"
+" <td><code>1A50 3BBF FC82 A4EF D75D B46A 071A 7340 E11A 9DB9</code></td>\n"
+" <td><a href=\"https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/ReducedExitPolicy\">Reduced Exit Policy</a></td>\n"
+" </tr>\n"
+" <tr>\n"
+" <td><a href=\"https://www.gandi.net/\">Gandi</a><sup>3</sup></td>\n"
+" <td><a href=\"https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/7F2CD6BD548C5FFA09B20A0C5CB07893C9451653\">ekumen</a></td>\n"
+" <td><code>7F2C D6BD 548C 5FFA 09B2 0A0C 5CB0 7893 C945 1653</code></td>\n"
+" <td><a href=\"https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/ReducedExitPolicy\">Reduced Exit Policy</a></td>\n"
+" </tr>\n"
+" </tbody>\n"
+" <tfoot class=\"footnotes\">\n"
+" <tr>\n"
+" <td colspan=\"4\">\n"
+" 1,2 : <code>marcuse1</code> et <code>marcuse2</code> sont sur une même\n"
+" machine. Afin de palier à des limitations techniques du logiciel dans\n"
+" la gestion du multi-cœur, il est nécessaire de faire fonctionner deux\n"
+" relais afin de pouvoir utiliser toute la bande passante disponible.\n"
+" </td>\n"
+" </tr>\n"
+" <tr>\n"
+" <td colspan=\"4\">\n"
+" 3 : Gandi nous fournit gracieusement les ressources pour faire tourner\n"
+" ce noeud (machine virtuelle et bande passante).\n"
+" </td>\n"
+" </tr>\n"
+" </tfoot>\n"
msgstr ""
+" <thead>\n"
+" <tr>\n"
+" <th>Location</th>\n"
+" <th>Relay</th>\n"
+" <th>Fingeprint</th>\n"
+" <th>Exit policy</th>\n"
+" </tr>\n"
+" </thead>\n"
+" <tbody>\n"
+" <tr>\n"
+" <td><a href=\"http://www.liazo.fr/\">Liazo</a></td>\n"
+" <td><a href=\"https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/011FDD1EE84DAC7758119B69829C74A9D197B35E\">marcuse1</a><sup>1</sup></td>\n"
+" <td><code>011F DD1E E84D AC77 5811 9B69 829C 74A9 D197 B35E</code></td>\n"
+" <td><a href=\"https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/ReducedExitPolicy\">Reduced Exit Policy</a></td>\n"
+" </tr>\n"
+" <tr>\n"
+" <td><a href=\"http://www.liazo.fr/\">Liazo</a></td>\n"
+" <td><a href=\"https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/1A503BBFFC82A4EFD75DB46A071A7340E11A9DB9\">marcuse2</a><sup>2</sup></td>\n"
+" <td><code>1A50 3BBF FC82 A4EF D75D B46A 071A 7340 E11A 9DB9</code></td>\n"
+" <td><a href=\"https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/ReducedExitPolicy\">Reduced Exit Policy</a></td>\n"
+" </tr>\n"
+" <tr>\n"
+" <td><a href=\"https://www.gandi.net/\">Gandi</a><sup>3</sup></td>\n"
+" <td><a href=\"https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/7F2CD6BD548C5FFA09B20A0C5CB07893C9451653\">ekumen</a></td>\n"
+" <td><code>7F2C D6BD 548C 5FFA 09B2 0A0C 5CB0 7893 C945 1653</code></td>\n"
+" <td><a href=\"https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/ReducedExitPolicy\">Reduced Exit Policy</a></td>\n"
+" </tr>\n"
+" </tbody>\n"
+" <tfoot class=\"footnotes\">\n"
+" <tr>\n"
+" <td colspan=\"4\">\n"
+" 1,2 : <code>marcuse1</code> and <code>marcuse2</code> are on the same\n"
+" server. Due to technical limitations in how the software handle\n"
+" multicore, we need to run two distinct relays in order to use all\n"
+" available bandwidth.\n"
+" </td>\n"
+" </tr>\n"
+" <tr>\n"
+" <td colspan=\"4\">\n"
+" 3 : All resources are kindly sponsored by Gandi (virtual machine and bandwidth).\n"
+" </td>\n"
+" </tr>\n"
+" </tfoot>\n"
#. type: Plain text
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+" .text(L10n.bandwidth);\n"
+" .attr(\"id\", \"bandwidth\")\n"
+" .text(L10n.loading);\n"
+msgstr ""
+" .text(L10n.bandwidth);\n"
+" .attr(\"id\", \"bandwidth\")\n"
+" .text(L10n.loading);\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#, no-wrap
msgid ""
-"| Emplacement | Relai | Empreinte | Politique de sortie | | ----------- | "
-"----- | --------- | ------------------- | | [Liazo](http://www.liazo.fr/) | "
-"[marcuse1](https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/011FDD1EE84DAC7758119B69829C74A9D197B35E) "
-"| `011F DD1E E84D AC77 5811 9B69 829C 74A9 D197 B35E` | [Reduced Exit "
-"Policy](https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/ReducedExitPolicy) "
-"| | [Liazo](http://www.liazo.fr/) | "
-"[marcuse2](https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/1A503BBFFC82A4EFD75DB46A071A7340E11A9DB9) "
-"| `1A50 3BBF FC82 A4EF D75D B46A 071A 7340 E11A 9DB9` | [Reduced Exit "
-"Policy](https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/ReducedExitPolicy) "
-"| | [Gandi](https://www.gandi.net/) | "
-"[ekumen](https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/7F2CD6BD548C5FFA09B20A0C5CB07893C9451653) "
-"| `7F2C D6BD 548C 5FFA 09B2 0A0C 5CB0 7893 C945 1653` | [Reduced Exit "
-"Policy](https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/ReducedExitPolicy) "
+"new BwDrawer(\"#bandwidth\").draw();\n"
msgstr ""
+"new BwDrawer(\"#bandwidth\").draw();\n"