+"<a class=\"paymium-btn\" title=\"Give using Bitcoin\" href=\"https://account."
+"type=payment_button&requires_customer_email=false&requires_delivery_address=false\" "
+"> Give 5€ using Bitcoin</a> <a class=\"paymium-btn\" title=\"Give with "
+"Bitcoin\" href=\"https://account.paymium.com/invoice/6023f54a-b558-4b19-a8af-"
+"type=payment_button&requires_customer_email=false&requires_delivery_address=false\" "
+"> Give 10€ using Bitcoin</a> <a class=\"paymium-btn\" title=\"Give with "
+"Bitcoin\" href=\"https://account.paymium.com/invoice/aab1fbee-deee-4cb3-b91f-"
+"type=payment_button&requires_customer_email=false&requires_delivery_address=false\" "
+"> Give 25€ using Bitcoin</a> <a class=\"paymium-btn\" title=\"Give with "
+"Bitcoin\" href=\"https://account.paymium.com/invoice/6bb4461f-e992-495d-a0b4-"
+"type=payment_button&requires_customer_email=false&requires_delivery_address=false\" "
+"> Give 50€ using Bitcoin</a> <a class=\"paymium-btn\" title=\"Give with "
+"Bitcoin\" href=\"https://account.paymium.com/invoice/"
+"type=payment_button&requires_customer_email=false&requires_delivery_address=false\" "
+"> Give 100€ using Bitcoin</a> <a class=\"paymium-btn\" title=\"Give with "
+"Bitcoin\" href=\"https://account.paymium.com/invoice/"
+"type=payment_button&requires_customer_email=false&requires_delivery_address=false\" "
+"> Give 200€ using Bitcoin</a>"
+#. type: Content of: <div><h3>
+msgid "Par Liberapay"
+msgstr "By Liberapay"
+#. type: Content of: <div><p>
+msgid ""
+"Vous pouvez nous soutenir à travers la plateforme de dons récurrents "
+"Liberapay :"
+msgstr "You can support us through the Liberapay recurring payments platform:"
+#. type: Content of: <div><p>
+msgid ""
+"<a href=\"https://fr.liberapay.com/nos-oignons/donate\">[[!img assets/"
+"liberapay.png link=no alt=\"Donnez à Nos oignons avec Liberapay\"]]</a>"
+msgstr ""
+"<a href=\"https://en.liberapay.com/nos-oignons/donate\">[[!img assets/"
+"liberapay.png link=no alt=\"Support Nos oignons using Liberapay\"]]</a>"
+#. type: Content of: <h3>
+msgid "De la main à la main"
+msgstr "In person"
+#. type: Content of: <p>
+msgid ""
+"Des membres de Nos oignons sont régulièrement présent·e·s à des évènements "
+"publics pour recevoir des dons de la main à la main. N'hésitez pas à nous "
+"inviter !"
+msgstr ""
+"Members of Nos oignons are often present at public events to receive in "
+"person donations. Invite us!"
+#. type: Content of: <h2>
+msgid "Réadhésion"
+msgstr "Membership renewal"
+#. type: Content of: <p>
+msgid ""
+"Une cotisation d'adhésion est valable un an. Pour renouveler son adhésion il "
+"faut faire un nouveau don (montant libre), et signaler par mail au CA (ca à "
+"nos-oignons.net) de compter ce don comme cotisation."
+msgstr ""
+"To renew your membership after one year, you have to make a new free "
+"donation and write an email to the board (ca at nos-oignons dot net) so that "
+"we count it as a contribution."
+#. type: Content of: <h2>
+msgid "Comment sont dépensés les sous ?"
+msgstr "How is the money spent?"