3 Then /^le fichier "(.*)" doit avoir été créé avec les reçus$/ do |filename|
4 @reciept_path = "#{ENV['NOS_OIGNONS_RECIEPTS_DIR']}/#{filename}"
5 expect(File.exists?(@reciept_path)).to be_true
8 Then /^il doit contenir le nom et l'adresse de (\w+), la date et le montant de la cotisation$/ do |name|
9 # XXX: not nice to hard code that 10,00
11 # XXX: not nice to relay that it's the last member either
12 expect(@last_member['name']).to eql(name)
14 content = `pdftotext #{@reciept_path} -`.gsub(/\n/, ' ')
15 expect(content).to include(@last_member['name'])
16 expect(content).to include(@last_member['address'])
17 expect(content).to include(DateTime.strptime(@last_member['membership_fee_paid_on'], "%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))
18 expect(content).to include(amount)